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Our Team

Meet the faces of St. David's!



The Reverend Vickie McDonald


Mother Vickie was ordained to the Sacred Order of Priests on June 18th at St. David's after graduating from The General Theological Seminary in New York City on May 17th. While there she served as Deacon at Christ Episcopal Church in Ridgewood, NJ. Originally born in the Annapolis, MD area, she has lived in Florida for over 20 years. Prior to her call into ordained ministry she was a Volunteer Coordinator with LifePath Hospice in Hillsborough County.

The Rev. Micki Thomas

Deacon Micki has completed three years of diaconate training and serves St. David's from September through May as leader of the Pastoral Care Team, as well as serving on the altar. She is also involved with the St. David's Healing Ministry, and the Daughters of the King.

Debbie Burke


Debbie is responsbile for office oversight, financial management, facilities management, scheduling and usage, the monthly newsletter, Dateline, and general administrative duties.

Janine Bowers


Janine assists the clergy in choosing service music, directs the choir and plays organ and piano for services. The choir performs and leads at the Sunday 9:00 AM Holy Eucharist twice amonth September through May.

Michael Knudson


Michael is responsbile for cleaning all buildings on the church campus and seeing that things are in good working order.



Alex Tyree

Senior Warden

Lavenia Carter

Junior Warden

2024 Vestry Commissions

Christian Formation Commission

Receives reports from the Cursillo ministry (Karen & John Maurer), Living the Questions group (Ann Pfau), and any clergy/laity individuals who are planning to hold Bible or Book studies (Johanna Kadin).

Congregational Life Commission

provides oversight for Coffee Hour arrangements (Karen Brinkmann & Eva Hathon); and receives ECW reports (Debra Sigismondo & Lisa Shavers), monitors SD congregational life and makes suggestions to the Vestry. (For example, will the Men’s group return in 2024). Chair: Karen Brinkman

Communication Commission

Receives a monthly report from the 1) AV Technical Director (Maggie Gentile), 2) Editor of News and Views weekly email, Liaison with the local newspapers/publications, and the 3) CRM & community contact person. Chair: Marte Markwell.

Evangelism Commission

Works closely with the Rector and Senior Warden (using previously learned information and skills from the Invite Welcome Connect ministry) to try new ideas and platforms for reaching out to our Englewood Community. Evangelism commission will work closely with the Communication Team to “get the WORD OUT” about what’s happening at St. David’s that may be of interest to our community and especially new neighbors who have moved/retired to Englewood area. Chair: Pat Knox.

Outreach Commission

Provides an communication link for the Thrift Store Manager (Helen Diaguila, Jubilee Center Manager,(Laura Roy Fink) & the Knitters (Sharon Ciabotoni) who submit their monthly reports, and messages to Vestry, through this commission. Chair: Dan Trifilo

Stewardship Commission

works with the Treasurer & Finance Committee on 1) Capital Campaigns 2) Planned Giving Awareness such as bequests, and 3) Annual Pledge Drive to provide timely and up to date information to the whole vestry. The chair of this commission is currently open.

Worship Commission

communicates with, and receives reports from the Director of Music (Janine Bowes), Altar Guild (Maggie Gentile), and Deacon Micki (regarding LEM/LEV/Lectors), and communicates directly with the Sunday Ushers. Chair: Terry Dubois.


Church Office Hours

(941) 474-3140


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