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"Come and See" what's happening here at St. David's!


You will find a faith community in our senior years, 50+, but young in spirit and at heart! 


Collectively, we seek support and love from a spiritual and caring family. 


Whether you're here year-round or seasonally, all are welcome....​


...all who love coming together as a community on Sundays to worship and praise God and during the week to deepen our faith. We love and support one another, make a joyful noise, and break bread together. We are ONE.


Visit us and find Jesus in the faces and hearts of those who come to or are a part of our services, come to or prepare a meal, host or visit friends and neighbors, come for food and friendship or greet and give food and friendship at the Jubilee Center, or participate in our Christian Education classes or lead them.


Come find Jesus in your heart through scripture in Bible Study sessions, through modern Christian theologians in Spiritual Transformation Groups, through a weekend or Saturday spiritual retreat or a Cursillo Weekend, or through teaching a session or teaching our Youth. Join small study and discussion groups of folks who are seeking, not settling for others' answers, who question and challenge, who speak their faith because they trust those around them.

Worship & Prayer

"Come and See" how our worship and praise of God will leave you with a sense of God's grace and prepare you for living an abundant life. We may worship in a building, but God is all around us in nature and in our neighbors if we but take the time to look. 

state of an angel overlooking a cobblestone walkway through a garden at golden hour

Outreach to Englewood

If you are hungry, the Jubilee Center offers non-perishable food for you and your family.


Pat’s Kindness Closet offers infants, toddlers, and adults free clothing. If you are in need of clothing for school-aged children, please contact the Jubilee Center for a referral.


 If you need information about community resources, the staff at the Jubilee Center will provide referrals to local agencies.


If you need a friendly face, the folks at the Jubilee Center and Thrift Shop are here for you!




boxes of non-perishable food
Cross and Clouds

Join us and be energized or re-energized to seek God with us as we Eat, Pray, Love!

You are welcome to join our community on Sundays to pray, worship and praise God and during the week to deepen your faith, to love and support others - to eat together – to sing together.


And you may then find God in the world - in a magnificent sunset on Manasota Beach, in neighbors at the Farmer's Market, in the faces of the folks who come for the All Faith's monthly food truck, in visiting a friend in the veteran's home, in holding a loved one's hand or in sitting quietly in meditation.  God is Here, Now - with us!

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