Life Events
St. David's is here for you for all of life's major events. Learn more below.

Holy Baptism
We, as Episcopalians, believe both in childhood baptism and adult baptism as the Way to become one of "...Christ's Own forever...".
Baptism services are typically performed at church services on:
Easter Vigil (Saturday Evening before Easter)
The Day of Pentecost (Seven Sundays after Easter)
Sunday after All Saints Day (Sunday after Nov. 1)
The day of the Baptism of our Lord (Second Sunday in January).
However, in certain circumstances, Baptisms can be private or even take place in the home, hospital, or nursing home. Contact our Priest-In-Charge, The Reverand Vickie McDonald, to plan and schedule a Baptism.
The Episcopal Church supports marriage between any loving couples. Marriage is seen as a holy sacrament, "..ordained by God.." and signifying the relationship between Jesus and the church. Marriage counseling sessions with the Rector is required.
The church sanctuary is available for weddings and the Parish Hall for receptions - at no charge for parishioners and former parishioners and for a donation for others. Contact our Rector to plan and schedule a Marriage.

Funerals and Memorials Services
End of Life Issues
We help with preparing for the end of life through counseling, helping find legal assistance for wills, living wills or planning funeral or memorial services - including music and readings.
The church sanctuary is available for traditional funerals or memorial services and our Memorial Garden can also be used for services and the interment of ashes.
Contact our Rector to plan and schedule End-of Life counseling or help as well as Funeral or Memorial Service Planning.
Prolonged Illness
You will not face it alone!
We support and assist caregivers and people with prolonged illnesses or debilitating diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's. We are there to help and care when people attend church or come to one of our meals or events—people are not alone!
Our Rector and Deacon visit the home, nursing home, or hospice regularly and are joined by our Pastoral Care Team, Grief Support Team, and Healing Ministry members.
Our Men's Group helps people stay in their homes as long as possible by cleaning, painting, bringing food, and performing other household chores.