Whether you're joining us to worship or looking for a meeting place, St. David's is home to various facilities. Take a tour below!

The Church Sanctuary has a seating capacity of 480 and a balcony, which can accommodate several more. There is a choir area in the north transept and a Chapel in the south transept with a separate entrance.
There are pews in the Sanctuary reserved for those in wheelchairs or with walkers. In 2016 we installed a T-foil hearing loop system allowing those with hearing aids equipped to accept magnetic signals may hear the service directly through their hearing aid.

The Chapel is set up for "in the round" services and is regularly used at Wednesday noon for our healing service.
Parish Hall

Our Parish Hall has a 2000-sf space (capacity of 100) and a stage and is available for large groups. It is equipped with a sound system, LCD projector, and a large-screen TV and WIFI. There is a kitchen, round tables that seat seven comfortably and can hold eight if needed, serving tables, a whiteboard, and a flip chart rack. ​
Available to rent. Contact Church Office by email or by phone (941-474-3140).
Quiet Room & Reading Room

The Quiet Room is a small space with couches and chairs available for meetings of up to twelve people.
A Reading Room, with a coffee machine, is located off the main Parish Hall.
Available to rent. Contact Church Office by email or by phone (941-474-3140).
Kitchen Facilities

Adjacent to the Parish Hall is a kitchen facility
There is a small kitchen in the community building as well.
Community Building

A separate building houses two meeting rooms: a small room with tables for groups of up to 15 participants and a larger room with tables for larger groups of up to 25 participants.
There is a small kitchen area for making coffee and serving refreshments.
Available to rent. Contact Church Office by email or by phone (941-474-3140).

Our Labyrinth path is open to the public for prayer and meditation. As you walk the path you can offer your prayers or meditate and reflect on the wonder of God and his creation.​​​​​
Jubilee Center

The St. David’s Jubilee Center, located in the former rectory, provides food and other supplies to underserved families and the homeless in the Englewood Community.
Open Tuesdays from 10 AM to 12 PM. Volunteers will guide clients through the distribution process. For further information, please visit St. David’s Jubilee Center of Englewood, Florida's Facebook page or call 941-681-3550.
Looking to donate? We will accept gently used, laundered summer clothing and shoes.